"Beautiful The Blood" by Fee

Artist: Fee
Album: We Shine
Track: Beautiful The Blood

I never knew death could be so sweet
I never knew surrender could feel so free
I've never seen such meekness and majesty
I never knew these nails would love unfold
I never knew these wounds would heal my soul
I've never seen such beauty and sorrow meet

The above lyrics is an excerpt of the verses of Fee's "Beautiful The Blood". It's a song filled with oxymorons yet Truth at the same time. With the Lenten season about to wrap up, and Good Friday and Easter Sunday right around the corner, I thought it'd be the perfect occasion to share the tune.

Whenever I think about the effects of the sacred blood of that the crucified Christ Jesus has shed for mankind - how it cleanses and purifies our soul and redeems us from sin, drawing us close to the heart of the Father - I can't help but think it's beautiful it all truly is.

I hope that this Lenten and Easter season have been a blessing to all, and I hope that this song helps add to the wonder to the greatest moment in human history.

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